Having 4 Nourished Bodies is part of a Possibilitator 1st position.
A possibilitator creates extraordinary possibilities out of nothing. He/she hits and explodes the ordinary with dangerous questions, with the conscious choice of what is not offered and with the declaration of what is. All these 3 powers come directly and naturally from your 5th body bringing the essence of your Being and your Archetypal Lineage. and as much as they all use the same 3 powers, the way each one uses it is unique; just as the bright principles of each one are too.
Then coming from the 5th body the conscious purpose that empowers the actions of a possibilitator, it is necessary that each of the 4 Bodies (physical, intellectual, emotional and energetic) are balanced and nourished so that the channeling is accurate. The 5th body comes from the archetypal domain and makes use of the 4 Bodies to express itself. He needs a nourished and balanced emotional body so he can land his communications masterfully, reach out and see beyond what is said and create connection and team spirit. It also needs a nourished physical body to support and hold the necessary energy on the physical dimention. A “fit” energy body (conscious and trained to feel, read and declare) brings almost magical possibilities to your actions. And a well-equipped intellectual body carries an extensive repertoire of how to express ideas, feelings and distinctions memetically.
If you decide to be the conduit through which your bright principles and archetypal lineage can come to earth, then they will come, and you will either be blown up (your box in case) and become the person you need to become in order for that to happen (which will involve seeing how irresponsible you are, feeling a lot of anger, fear, sadness and joy about what you have done with your life, and going through many deaths and rebirths). Or you will almost be blown up, but you will cling to your survival strategies, change your mind and get tangled up in a web of problems that justify your giving up. In either case your 5th body will begin to kick in, and he will use whatever he has at his disposal to do so. If you have 4 unbalanced bodies, the possibilities for transformation will happen, but they will be limited compared to using a potential pure channel for your archetypal lineage. A pure potential channel is exactly what a nourished and balanced 4Bodies is.
My Report:
I had already heard about: “the fifth body activates when the other 4 are in balance” in the ETBs I participated in, but I never really understood what that meant, until I accidentally forgot to set the alarm a few weeks ago. I slept like 11 hours of deep sleep (without having a “delayed” sleep to catch up) . Suddenly a magic happened, I seemed to have evolved years in my learning spiral as a possibilitator. My Gremlin and Box were far less active unconsciously, and the ease with being present, centered, and unhookable. The spaces that I held that day were very different, I was much more energized and taken over by my archetypal lineage. So I decided to redo the experiment, I started not scheduling anything in the morning and sleeping without waking up time… when I saw it I had the same result every day that I slept well. I’ve noticed that when I’m sleepy (which I didn’t even know I was because that was “normal” for me) my Gremlin is much more active. It is as if every time a basic need for self-care is not met, the “survival” mode activates and with it: all survival strategies too.
Since then I’ve been sleeping better, paying attention and care to all 5 of my bodies and along with that, my Space Holding skills has grown. This month I was able to hold the most Transformational and Extraordinary Spaces that I have already held in my life and my connection with my archetypal lineage was greatly enhanced. I very much celebrate this discovery.
It’s much easier to love people when you sleep well.